© 2024 Rye College


The Rye Theatre

Rye College Love Lane RYE East Sussex TN31 7NQ


The Rye Theatre is within Rye College. The entrance is through the main Rye College entry gates in Love Lane. If using SatNav, it may bring you down a tiny little one way road called Deadman’s Lane. Do not go down this in anything larger than a car as it is too narrow and if you do come down it, beware of the metal railings which stick out down the left-hand side of the road. The easier route is to go into the town past the railway station and following through the town one way system, turning left at a mini- roundabout to go down Rope Walk into The Grove and Love Lane. Beware the very tight bend at the mini roundabout into Rope Walk. Note, if approaching from the north east on the A268 or the East of the A259, you cannot drive directly into town, you have to either follow the A259 around the edge and then enter from a roundabout at the west end, or use Deadman’s Lane, which is fine by car, but do be aware of the metal railings on the left hand side.
Rye College Entry Gate